Youth Network
The International Youth Network (IYN) is an initiative of terre des hommes schweiz with the aim of connecting young people from our partner organizations across our project countries in Southern Africa (Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Mozambique, South Africa), Latin America (Nicaragua, El Salvador) and Switzerland.

In a world characterized by digital innovations, more and more doors are opening for improved communication and networking across time zones and distances. By using digital channels and platforms, we want to strengthen youth participation and intensify the exchange between young people.
Bridging Borders: An international Exchange
Across various online platforms, IYN delegates overcome geographical barriers and engage in cross-border dialogues on a variety of topics. The focus is not only on exchange but also on promoting solidarity and intercultural understanding. In addition, these exchanges serve as sources of inspiration in which young people motivate each other and offer pragmatic insights into their projects. The participants exchange insights and provide valuable input for each other's planned initiatives.
Focus on positive impact: empowering youth to build a peaceful world
Youth delegates take on responsibilities and organize online weekend programs, collaborating with delegates from other countries, to enhance their leadership, boost self-confidence, and facilitate peer-to-peer knowledge exchange. The youth delegates come together to have meaningful discussions on this critical issue. They focus on illuminating a specific aspect of violence, aiming to understand the complex differences present across different countries and contexts. Through these efforts, the IYN seeks to promote greater understanding and collaboration in the pursuit of a safe and peaceful world.
Cooperation with Terre des Hommes Germany
In 2019, we started a collaboration with Terre des Hommes Germany during Global Action Month (GAM). GAM takes place every year in November. During GAM, various youth groups around the world organize actions around the theme "Culture of Peace". Our youth delegates choose the theme in a participatory way, and then the various youth groups in our project countries organize activities that coincide with the annual theme.
The young people collectively draw attention to their commitment and promote solidarity with young people in other regions around the world. These activities have a strong local resonance and contribute significantly to the prevention of violence and a culture of peace.

Project description
Project responsibility

061 338 91 62 | luciano.gagliardi(at)