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Shield with Spanish inscription. In the background people and an American flag

Trump's migration policy: worrying consequences for El Salvador

Since the end of 2017, terre des hommes schweiz has been supporting a pilot project in El Salvador for young returnees who have been deported from the USA. The already worrying situation is now coming to a head. The US government's decision to lift the protection status for refugees from El Salvador has dramatic consequences for the battered country.
Andrea Zellhuber, Violence Prevention Unit

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A masked policeman in black with a machine gun guards four youths

Central America: the number of unaccompanied minors is increasing

In 2016 alone, over 182,000 underage refugees from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala were registered on their way north. They are all looking for a place where they are protected from violence. Often they are exposed to similar dangers on the road as in their homeland. Their protection in the transit countries urgently needs to be improved.
Text: Lesli Gutiérrez Garduño

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Young people sit working together at one table.

Global Refugee Youth Consultations - in conversation with young refugees

"Rarely consulted, often overlooked and often not fully involved in the decision-making process The talents, energy and potential of young refugees remain largely untapped. The young refugees want the same things that young people everywhere want: prospects, education, employment and inclusion. They want to get involved and be part of the solution."
(GRYC final report)
A report by Barbara Noske and Sabin Müller

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A FARO project worker kneads a dough with a black girl.

Refugees - worldwide and in Europe

Almost every day the media bring the refugee situation to the attention of the public. Recently, the refugees have also become highly visible in some European cities. Flight or migration and their consequences are not new. This is why various Terre des hommes organisations have been working for decades to help those affected worldwide.

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A Syrian man with his daughter

The "refugee crisis" is our failure

Europe is increasingly closing itself off from the flow of refugees. On their way, migrants are at the mercy of the violence of smugglers and traffickers. Terre des hommes demands the immediate opening of "humanitarian corridors" for their protection.

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The picture shows several stations of a young woman

Living instead of fleeing - for the courage to go or stay

Migration has many faces. It affects those who leave and those who stay. Girls and young women are particularly at risk of falling into exploitative circumstances and experiencing gender-specific violence. So it takes courage to leave, but it also takes courage to stay. The new campaign Life instead of flight by terre des hommes schweiz is dedicated to this courage.

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Legal migration to the EU: just lip service?

There is no way to come to Europe legally and this must be changed, replied Cecilia Malmström, member of the European Commission, to the descriptions of the 18-year-old refugee Farah from Somalia in the European Parliament. It remains to be seen whether this statement will be followed by action.

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