Screenshot from the UN website for the SDGs.

We stand up for Agenda 2030

Since 2016, Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development has been the global framework for national and international efforts in the field of sustainable development and poverty reduction. Our programme work is geared to this comprehensive agenda. We have clear priorities as to how we can contribute to these ambitious goals. And in the future this will also be done outside our programme work.
Andrea Zellhuber, responsible for violence prevention

In September 2015, the United Nations adopted Agenda 2030 as the new frame of reference for international cooperation. It is the successor to the Millennium Development Goals of 2000 and contains 17 main goals (with various sub-points) for sustainable development (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs). The SDGs cover key areas such as poverty reduction, health, education and food security, gender equality, water, energy, economy and labour, biodiversity and ecosystems, and peaceful and inclusive societies. The goals integrate economic, social and ecological objectives.

Agenda 2030 supports our focus on youth
Agenda 2030 also makes clear statements on the special needs of children and young people as particularly vulnerable social groups. For example, it calls for specific measures for qualitative education and employment for young people and the elimination of exploitative child labour. Subgoal 8.6 calls for a substantial reduction in youth unemployment and the proportion of young people without training.

Agenda 2030 supports our work in the prevention of violence
Agenda 2030 emphasizes violence as an important factor hindering development and gives great weight to the promotion of non-violent and inclusive societies. It thus confirms our many years of project experience. Subgoals 16.2, 5.2 and 5.3 on violence against children, on all forms of violence against women and girls, especially in the form of forced and early marriage, are important starting points for the work of our partner organizations.

Agenda 2030 supports our work in the field of sexuality education
Subgoal 3.7 stresses the importance of access to sexual and reproductive health services, including family planning and sexual education. The global agenda thus confirms the central priorities of our programme work.

Responsibility of the Global North, responsibility of Switzerland
Furthermore, the SDGs place great emphasis on the responsibility of the countries of the Global North. They thus offer an important basis for argumentation in Switzerland for a stronger coordination of domestic and foreign policy with regard to sustainable global development. This is why terre des hommes schweiz will intensify its public efforts to ensure that Switzerland complies with Agenda 2030.

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