bereavement donations
Setting a sign of hope

In lieu of flower donations, many bereaved families wish to benefit charitable institutions. In this way, even in times of mourning, a sign of hope can be given.
Please indicate our donation account 40-260-2 / IBAN CH18 0900 0000 4000 0260 2 in the obituary and note the name of the deceased. We personally owe every donation. The bereaved family will receive a list of donors including the total amount for their own gratitude (for data protection reasons without individual amounts).
Sample texts for obituaries
In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to terre des hommes schweiz, 4053 Basel, PC account 40-260-2, IBAN CH18 0900 0000 4000 0260 2, memo: [name of deceased].
In lieu of flowers, the deceased would like donations to be made to terre des hommes schweiz, 4053 Basel, PC account 40-260-2, IBAN CH18 0900 0000 4000 0260 2, memo: [name of deceased].
In the spirit of the deceased, please support terre des hommes schweiz, 4053 Basel, PC account 40-260-2, IBAN CH18 0900 0000 4000 0260 2, reference: [name of deceased].
Thank you, enable young people a self-determined future!
Do you have any questions?

061 338 91 43 | erich.rudin(at)