
Our International Projects

Our International Projects

Against violence and for agricultural perspectives

All our youth initiatives aim for sustainable structural change. They support young people in urban areas who are making a stand against violence. They support youth groups in rural areas that are creating prospects for a sustainable life in the countryside with measures to protect the environment and an ecological approach to agriculture.

To encounter the consequences of violence

More than 10 years of civil war have left a lasting mark on the country. The consequences can still be felt today. Violence and unemployment are part of everyday life for many people, and the gap between rich and poor is deep. Due to traumatic war experiences, psychosocial support is of great importance.

It's a long way to peace

Although the armed conflict between the FARC rebels and the government ended in 2016, there is still a long way to go before there is real peace in Colombia. But the end of the armed conflict makes it possible for social actors to start building peace. Together with our partner organizations, terre des hommes switzerland is actively working for peace in Colombia.

Strengthen the rights of children and adolescents

In Mozambique, the focus of our work is on HIV/AIDS and rural development. Together with our partner organizations, we are committed to strengthening children's and youth rights as well as women and girls in rural areas.

Help against the exploitation of children and adolescents

Nicaragua is one of the poorest countries in the world. Child and youth labor is strong. Where there is child labor, there is also exploitation. Young people in rural areas also need special support.

Against the taboo of HIV/Aids

HIV/Aids is an enormous problem. Although the total number of those infected has reduced over the last decade from 26 to 15 %, and antiretroviral drugs are in principle available free of charge to all, the number of children and young people affected still remains very high. Those affected are at risk of social exclusion. Therefore they conceal their illness as long as possible – which once again makes prevention more difficult.

Violence and HIV/AIDS - the consequences of apartheid 

The "new" South Africa has taken on a difficult legacy. The consequences of the apartheid policy will continue to influence the development of the country and the project work for decades to come. For example, the potential for violence among young people is extremely high. Another major problem in South Africa is the rapid spread of HIV/AIDS.

HIV/Aids in the family confronts adolescents with major challenges

HIV/Aids is an omnipresent issue in Tanzania. Many children and young people are left on their own or have to help sick parents. terre des hommes switzerland supports young people in dealing with this situation. 

Western Sahara

40 years on Stand by - the last colony in Africa

Ever since 1975, over 100,000 Sahrawi refugees have been living in camps around the southern Algerian town of Tindouf. They fled from Western Sahara when it was occupied by Morocco and are waiting for a permanent political solution to the problem of Western Sahara.

Youth Network

Young people with the same T-shirt holding flags

Young people worldwide against violence

Young people from all projects and partner countries exchange ideas in an international network. As part of a joint annual Global Action Month in November, the youth groups organize worldwide actions on "Youth stand up against violence".

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