
Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Brigitta Gerber
President of the Board
Dr. lic phil (ethno/hist.) MAES, director of the Tolerance Culture Office, lecturer FHNW, expert on social issues related to democracy, migration, discrimination, racism/extremism and urban development. Civic councilor BS, former cantonal councilor BS, Read More
Brigitta GerberPresident of the Board

Dr. lic phil (ethno/hist.) MAES,

Managing Director of the Tolerance Culture Office, lecturer at the FHNW, expert on social issues relating to democracy, migration, discrimination, racism/extremism and urban development.

Civic Councillor BS, former Cantonal Councillor BS, former member of the Naturalization Commission, President of the Elisabethen Open Church

Marianne Gujer
Lic. Phil. I, ethnologist/romance scholar, adult educator, expert in education for sustainable development and development issues.
Marianne Gujer

Lic. Phil. I, ethnologist/romance scholar, adult educator, expert in education for sustainable development and development issues.

Jan Goepfert
lic. iur. / lic. phil., attorney-at-law, independent lawyer
Jan Goepfert

lic. iur. / lic. phil., attorney-at-law, independent lawyer

Anastasia Planta
Lic. Phil.I Psychologist, Lic. Jur., expert on issues of early intervention, violence prevention and integration, many years of experience in the Basel administration as deputy head of the Youth and Family Promotion Department of the Department of Education BS
Anastasia Planta

Lic. Phil.I Psychologist, Lic. Jur., expert on issues of early intervention, violence prevention and integration, many years of experience in the Basel administration as deputy head of the Youth and Family Promotion Department of the Department of Education BS

Andrea Seiberth Crignola
Dipl. Agr. Ing. HTL, International Agriculture, focus on sustainable agriculture and international cooperation.
Andrea Seiberth Crignola

Dipl. Agr. Ing. HTL, International Agriculture, focus on sustainable agriculture and international cooperation.

Lena Farré
MA. (History and Human Geography), Research Associate at Swiss TPH, working focus on international research collaborations, research project management and financial support in the field of global health with a focus on countries with Read More
Lena Farré

MA. (History and Human Geography), Research Associate at Swiss TPH, working focus on international research collaborations, research project management and financial support in global health with a focus on low and middle income countries.

René Grünenfelder
MSc Economics LSE, mag. rer. pol. Member of the school management of the schools kvBL with focus on vocational training and integration of young people. Self-employed in the field of fiduciary services, management consulting, coaching
René Grünenfelder

MSc Economics LSE, mag. rer. pol.

Member of the school board of schools kvBL with a focus on vocational training and integration of young people.

Self-employed in the field of fiduciary services, management consulting, coaching

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