

Doing good every day

With a sponsorship, you enable real change and give young people in our nine project countries the chance to lead a self-determined life. As a sponsor, you support an issue that is close to your heart. Once a year, you will receive a sponsorship report that informs you about the impact of your support.

You can cancel the sponsorship or change the amount pledged at any time. Below you will find a list of our theme sponsorships.

Sponsorship for education and sustainable livelihoods


Education is an important prerequisite for a dignified life. Many young people in Africa and Latin America are denied access to education and thus the way out of poverty. With this sponsorship you enable vocational training and support income projects of young people.

Sponsorship for girls and young women

sponsorships women

In many parts of the world, girls and young women are exploited and abused because of their gender. They need protection and the opportunity to take their lives into their own hands. With this sponsorship, you empower girls and women and provide them with legal, psychological and financial support.

Sponsorship for young people

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Young people in Africa and Latin America are exposed to risks such as violence, early pregnancies and HIV/AIDS. At the same time, they need perspectives in order to use their potential. With this sponsorship you promote peace, give young people a voice and strengthen their right to health.

Do you have any questions?

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Loredana Engler

Responsible sponsorships

061 335 91 50 | loredana.engler@terredeshommes.ch

Responsible handling of donations

The logo of ZEWO

terre des hommes schweiz has the Zewo seal of approval for non-profit organisations. This certification body has laid down numerous criteria for the conscientious handling of donations. Further information here.

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