
Foundations and institutions

Partnerships with institutions and foundations

Mateus Nascimento (25) is a passionate farmer and entrepreneur. Together with other young people, he cultivates old seeds that are climate-resistant and do not require chemicals.

Lend a hand

Mateus is one of 440,000 young people worldwidewhich terre des hommes schweiz supports every year. Together with local partner organizations, we encourage young people in Africa and Latin America to build a future worth living. Our work is cost-efficient, impact-based and transparent. Regular reporting is a matter of course for us. We are ZEWO-certifiedtax-exempt and a partner of the SDC (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation). As a foundation or institution, you too can make a valuable contribution to a future worth living.

Our main areas of work

Sustainable livelihoods


Unemployment among young people is a global problem. They would like to use their skills for the sustainable development of their country and to provide for themselves and their families. terre des hommes schweiz enables young people to complete training courses and become independent entrepreneurs. 


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Young people are generally healthier than other age groups. However, they are exposed to particular risks that can harm them not only for their immediate future, but for the rest of their lives. HIV/Aids, early pregnancies and the lack of the right to self-determined sexuality affect young people in southern Africa particularly badly. 

Culture of peace

A-young-man-sits-laughing-sympathetically-in front-of-a-graffity-wall

Violence exacerbates poverty, destroys social networks and infrastructure. Violence and violent conflicts prevent development. They traumatize the population and destroy people's livelihoods. In the project countries of terre of hommes switzerland Violence is one of the largest Problems.

The following institutions and foundations already support us

Get in contact with us

Do you have any questions? We are happy to advise you and work with you to find a suitable engagement that matches your goals and organizational purpose. Give us a call or contact us using the contact form below. 

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Mira Agostinis 

Institutional fundraising  

061 338 91 67 | mira.agostinos@terredeshommes.ch  

Contact form

Contact form institutions and foundations
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