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How a young woman became an entrepreneur

Young people like Wendy Vanessa Otero Henríquez are building their own livelihoods in rural El Salvador through income-generating initiatives. Our local partner organization CORDES trains them and provides them with advice and support. "It's worth believing in your dreams and not giving up." This statement by 21-year-old Wendy Vanessa Otero Henríquez

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Offering prospects at home

More and more young people in El Salvador are turning their backs on their country. However, the dangerous flight to the USA often does not succeed and the young people are turned away and sent back. Our partner organization Acisam offers these young people psychosocial support. Violence, poverty, discrimination and a lack of life prospects make life difficult for young people in El Salvador. Every year

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Women lie on the street under bloodstained white sheets.

"Machismo pervades all of society"

Why is terre des hommes schweiz committed to the living conditions and rights of women in El Salvador? Sandra Ramirez, coordinator of terre des hommes switzerland's projects in the Central American country, provides information.

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A young man squatting, welding a piece of metal.

Violence takes the normality

The violence in El Salvador is omnipresent. Young people find themselves caught between the police, youth gangs and the prejudices of society. They only have a chance if they distance themselves from the violence and take their future into their own hands.

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Shield with Spanish inscription. In the background people and an American flag

Trump's migration policy: worrying consequences for El Salvador

Since the end of 2017, terre des hommes schweiz has been supporting a pilot project in El Salvador for young returnees who have been deported from the USA. The already worrying situation is now coming to a head. The US government's decision to lift the protection status for refugees from El Salvador has dramatic consequences for the battered country.
Andrea Zellhuber, Violence Prevention Unit

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A masked policeman in black with a machine gun guards four youths

Central America: the number of unaccompanied minors is increasing

In 2016 alone, over 182,000 underage refugees from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala were registered on their way north. They are all looking for a place where they are protected from violence. Often they are exposed to similar dangers on the road as in their homeland. Their protection in the transit countries urgently needs to be improved.
Text: Lesli Gutiérrez Garduño

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Teenagers and young adults of our project of Quetzalcoatl.

Escaping the clutches of the maras

Poverty and violence have a firm grip on El Salvador and drive many young people into the arms of criminal gangs. Where the state abandons them, Quetzalcoatl takes the concerns and fears of endangered young people seriously. Our partner organisation makes a decisive contribution to preventing violence from escalating further.
Andrea Zellhuber, responsible for violence prevention

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Women and their children run

"Our girls deserve better"

All over the world, women took to the streets last March 8th. Also in the capital of El Salvador, San Salvador, thousands of women protested against the extremely rigid abortion law in their country: abortion is forbidden without exception.
Report of our National Coordinator El Salvador, Sandra Ramirez from San Salvador

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Young women from Las Melidas beat on big drums at a public rally.

The most important thing is to break the silence

A new study by the WHO shows: Sexual and other physical violence against women is much more common worldwide than previously suspected. At least every third woman has already suffered violence. The women of El Salvador are particularly affected. There, the partner organisation Las Melidas is making a courageous commitment to the rights and protection of girls and women.
Andrea Zellhuber, responsible for violence prevention and conflict transformation

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Maras: gang crime in El Salvador

Deceptive peace in El Salvador

Although there has been movement in the negotiations with the maras in El Salvador and hopes for peace have been raised, the criminal gangs have not stopped recruiting young people. A short update from our National Coordinator Annette Homlicher.

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