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"We give young people the power to act"

imagine Basel is more than just a festival: in workshops, young people teach other young people how to recognize and counteract discrimination. Nina Hurni, who is responsible for the workshops, has revised the program. In this interview, she explains how young people use creative methods to create safe spaces for diversity in their environment. Nina, what are the

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Attention: Danger of confusion!

We would like to point out that the cardboard advertising that is currently being dropped into mailboxes does not come from us, but from Terre des hommes- Kinderhilfe weltweit. In Switzerland there are three completely independent organizations with the same name: Terre des Hommes Suisse, Terre des hommes - Kinderhilfe weltweit, from which the advertisement in question originates, and terre

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happy mature woman with coffee cup relaxing by the window.

Webinars on self-determined estate planning

Have you ever thought about how you would like to be remembered? A self-determined end of life begins during your lifetime. With early estate planning, you can ensure that you have the last word after your death. A will allows you to determine during your lifetime who will inherit what share of your estate if you are no longer around.

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A dignified life thanks to sustainable education

Many people in Mozambique suffer from extreme poverty and the consequences of natural disasters. Cyclones, floods and droughts have increased significantly in recent years. In our project, we teach young people about environmentally friendly, agroecological agriculture. This also secures their livelihoods. A field report from our Mozambique program coordinator, Hafid Derbal. In May 2023, I had the

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stacked newspapers

International adoptions

Various media report on international adoptions by Terre des Hommes. The mediation of international adoptions led to a split in the Terre des Hommes movement at the beginning of the 1970s. terre des hommes schweiz distanced itself from this practice at the time and was not involved in it. terre des hommes schweiz, based in Basel, is legally, financially and organizationally independent.

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A team photo

We wish you happy holidays

Dear donors, dear supporters: We are delighted that we were able to count on your important support this year. In total, around 440,000 young people have benefited from our project work in Africa, Latin America and Switzerland. With the turn of the year, we are taking a short break (25.12.2023-01.01.2024) to recharge our batteries and prepare for the tasks ahead

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Democracy under pressure

The federal government wants to save on development cooperation: Next year, the new International Cooperation Strategy (IC) 2025 - 2028 and the budget for it will be discussed in Parliament. International cooperation makes an important contribution to strengthening democracy worldwide. In times of growing authoritarianism around the world, funding for this must not be cut. 

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Between nostalgia and a fresh start

Young people with a refugee background face many challenges, but they also have a wealth of potential and strengths. With the "MePower" project, terre des hommes schweiz is responding to the lack of psychosocial support available for young refugees in Switzerland. A visit to the summer camp on the theme of "Home". 

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A Brazilian success story

Together with its partner organizations, terre des hommes schweiz is committed to sustainable and ecological agriculture in several countries. A new study from Brazil also shows that agroforestry systems supported by terre des hommes schweiz mitigate the effects of climate change. Larissa Silva de Oliveira is a farmer in Brazil. At the beginning, the 19-year-old was ashamed of her

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