Tanja Grandits is the new ambassador of terre des hommes switzerland. Photo: Lukas Lienhard.

Tanja Grandits is our new ambassador

Awarded 18 Gault-Millau points, she is the only woman in the top two categories alongside 30 men. However, she does not want to be reduced to her gender, as she has never felt that being a woman is a disadvantage in her profession.

"In my life, I have always had the good fortune to be able to change my situation myself. However, I am aware that not everyone has this privilege. Especially girls and women are disadvantaged in large parts of the world because of their gender. That's why it means a lot to me to commit myself to the self-determination of girls and women," explains Tanja Grandits. 

That is why she would like to get particularly involved in the Ebli project in Tanzania, where we are committed to the education of girls and young mothers. In traditional Tanzania, women have little right of co-determination and are oppressed. They often lack the most basic necessities. In order to escape their situation, they get involved in relationships with much older men, who lure them with financial promises and gifts. 

If the girls get pregnant or even become infected with HIV, society will expel them even more. Then they are not even allowed to go to school and lose their career prospects. With Ebli, for example, we offer these girls and young women courses to help them start a small business. Or help them discover their skills. This was also the case with 19-year-old Grace Nhungu, who, out of poverty, got involved with an older man, lost everything, but thanks to Ebli found a new perspective for the future. Read her story in the next issue of our magazine.

The project convinces Tanja Grandits. "Everyone should get the chance to make something of a life. The story of Grace Nhungu has touched me and strengthened my commitment. I can hardly wait to travel to Tanzania next year and visit the project of terre des hommes schweiz and Ebli."

Tanja Grandits will kick off as ambassador of terre des hommes schweiz on 14 December 2018 with a charity dinner at the Stucki Restaurant in Basel. You can find out more about this here.

We are very happy about the support of Tanja Grandits. Rejoice with us and reserve a place at the Charity Dinner!"

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