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Annual Report 2023: Development cooperation under pressure

terre des hommes schweiz is committed to greater solidarity In 2023, a year marked by global crises, the organization terre des hommes schweiz consistently continued its commitment in Africa, Latin America and Switzerland and supported 373,000 young people. While the Federal Council is planning to cut the budget for development cooperation, the need for

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Swiss Federal Parliament

Federal Council bleeds development cooperation dry

The Federal Council presented the key figures for the 2025 budget today. It also provides for a reduction of 1.4% in international cooperation (IC). Last year, the dispatch on IC 25 - 28 provided for an increase of 2.5% to finance the reconstruction of Ukraine. The Federal Council has only

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Children's rights: new teaching material for schools

Four Swiss NGOs develop educational teaching materials on the topic of a "clean, healthy and sustainable environment" to mark International Children's Rights Day To mark International Children's Rights Day on 20 November 2023, the four organizations Pestalozzi Children's Foundation, Integras and the terre des hommes schweiz / Terre des Hommes Suisse alliance are once again presenting free educational tools under the title "Children's rights:

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imagine festival, photo: terre des hommes switzerland

imagine festival on June 9/10 - diversity on stage

After imagine celebrated its 20th anniversary last year, it is now going into the next round: On Friday and Saturday, June 9/10, the popular imagine festival, a national crowd-puller with a national message, will once again take place on Barfüsserplatz in the heart of Basel. A grandiose and diverse music and awareness program once again underscores this year's

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annual report 2022

Healthy finances give young people prospects

In 2022, terre des hommes schweiz collected almost 12 million Swiss francs, making it once again the best revenue year in the history of the development policy organization. The healthy finances allow terre des hommes switzerland to continue making a solid contribution to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in favor of the perspectives of young people. In the current

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20230228 climate protection law logo en final

terre des hommes switzerland says YES to the climate protection law

It is time for Switzerland to do its part to combat the global climate crisis. The worst effects of global warming are hitting the poorest people in the Global South, who are the least likely to fuel climate change. The climate protection law is a first step towards more climate justice, emphasize in unison the eight executive directors of Alliance Sud and its member organizations. Cyclone Freddy

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Infographic IZA Alliance Sud

No security without solidarity

The "Security 2023" study published today by the ETH once again shows that international cooperation is highly popular among the population: from left to right, a clear majority is of the opinion that so-called development aid should be increased. In contrast, support for an increase in defense spending has fallen again compared to June 2022.

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MePower Exhibition Elisabethen 2023

Young Refugees and Freedom - Photo Exhibition in the Open Church Elisabethen

As part of a summer workshop organized by terre des hommes switzerland, young refugees from Ukraine and other countries dealt with the topics of "freedom" and "wearing masks". As a creative realization, land art objects as well as plaster masks were created. Photos of these objects and their creation will be exhibited in the Open Church Elisabethen from March 7 to 26, 2023. What does freedom mean for everyone

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