
Documentary film about the women's movement in Brazil

The women's movement in Latin America is stronger than ever. From Argentina to Mexico, activists* demand an end to violence against women with the slogan Ni Una Menos (no woman less). In Brazil, women organized a wave of protests in 2018 against the election of the ultra-right, misogynist president Bolsonaro. With a film evening we want to highlight the Latin American women's movements and let them inspire us.

As part of the "Frauenstark" film festival, terre des hommes schweiz and BASTA! are showing the Brazilian documentary film "Corpo Manifesto".

On 1 December 2019 at 18.30 at the kult.kino atelier Basel. Admission CHF 10

The multi-faceted documentary by Carol Araujo tells of resistant women, their bodies and their struggles. The film poetically explores the symbolic dimensions of the body and its representation. It combines images from a performance by the artist Nina Giovelli with interviews with feminist activists and thought leaders. The filmmaker accompanied the protests of the Brazilian women's movement in recent years: she shows the energy, anger, poetry and humor of women fighting for a more just world in Latin America.

In the subsequent panel discussion, we want to discuss references to the women*strike movement in Switzerland.

Discuss it

  •  Cejana Di Guimarães, journalist
  •  Sibel Arslan, NR, BastA!
  •  Angelina Hofer, Women* Strike Committee Basel
  •  Andrea Zellhuber, terres des hommes switzerland
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