Unaccompanied young asylum seekers from the MNA Centre Lilienberg present themselves to the public.

What is home? A tour of the Säuliamt

Young asylum seekers who are in Switzerland without their parents or other persons with custody have worked out their answers and presentations on this question together with Swiss young people from imagine. Next week, the young people will now present their home countries during a tour of the Zurich Säuliamt.

In the Säuliamt, between Affoltern and Augst am Albis, 64 unaccompanied minor asylum seekers (Mineurs non accompagnés, MNA) aged 11 to 17 years are currently living in the MNA Centre Lilienberg. They come from 25 different countries to the centre, which is run by the specialist organisation AOZ on behalf of the Canton of Zurich. But what do the people from the surrounding communities know about these young people? How do they live? What is their living situation?
Presentations in five communities
terre des hommes schweiz and the AOZ now enable the local population to get in direct contact with the young people. During the summer holidays, around 40 MNA worked together with young people from imagine to find answers to various questions on the subject of home. The resulting presentations about their home countries will be presented next week during the autumn holidays in various communities in the region. They will start on Saturday, October 12th, at the autumn market in Affoltern am Albis. From Tuesday, October 15, they will spend a day in Volg (Aeugst am Albis), Obfelden, Hausen and finally on Friday, October 18, in Affoltern.
A journey through four countries
On Saturday, October 19, the population is then cordially invited to the open day at the MNA Center Lilienberg. A journey through the country houses will lead the visitors through Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Eritrea and West Africa. In addition, the doors of Lilienberg are open to everyone. A restaurant and games for children invite visitors to stay and have a chat. terre des hommes schweiz will also be present with a stand.

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