
Creation of small enterprises

Creation of small enterprises

Securing your own future with small businesses

Persistent poverty and a lack of prospects characterize the lives of many people in the Global South. The situation is particularly bad for young people: the lack of hope for a dignified life without jobs, university places and income is depressing. Many either join violent gangs, emigrate or work under exploitative conditions.

Wendy Vanessa Otero from El Salvador is proud of her business. When it's busy, her mother and little brother also lend a hand.

Young people often work under undignified working conditions. They work as day labourers on low incomes or unpaid for their families. A regular income is rare. Self-employment is usually not possible either: young people generally have little technical and entrepreneurial knowledge and experience to offer a market-relevant product or service. Furthermore, young people have no access to credit.

Education, psychological support and financial start-up assistance

Thanks to donors like you, young people in our project countries in Africa and Latin America receive a fair chance. Education, professional and psychological support and financial start-up assistance are the key to a self-determined life.

Based on the experience gained from the projects, terre des hommes schweiz supports young people in building up small businesses in two areas:

A young person presents figures and plans for his own small business.
  • Young people develop ideas for services or products and test their feasibility.
  • On the one hand, young people receive qualified further training in craftsmanship and technology. On the other hand they also receive further training in entrepreneurial issues (e.g. in the preparation of business plans and market analyses).
  • terre des hommes schweiz supports young people in their search for start-up financing within the framework of government programmes or through loans from a credit institution. It is very important that the business idea is viable and mature in order to minimise the risk of getting into debt. As a rule, young people have no access to credit institutions. In these cases, terre des hommes schweiz is prepared to provide initial financing in the form of a loan (sometimes with partial repayment). The amount of this loan or credit depends largely on the possibilities of the young people and their parents.
  • Young people receive professional and personal support during the start-up phase of their small business.
  • Both parents and communities are involved in this process.
  • Young people network and exchange their experiences with other young people.
SDG graphic for target no. 8

Agenda 2030 - Development Goal 8

This part of the project work relates to the fulfilment of sustainable development goal 8 of Agenda 2030 (UNO).

The content of the target:
"Promote lasting, broad-based and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all."


Andreas Hugentobler
Program coordination El Salvador and thematic responsibility Sustainable livelihoods
061 338 91 49 | andreas.hugentobler(at)terredeshommes.ch
Andreas HugentoblerProgram coordination El Salvador and thematic responsibility Sustainable livelihoods

061 338 91 49 | andreas.hugentobler(at)terredeshommes.ch

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