
Young people as the key to development

Never before have there been so many young people in the world. Today, a quarter of the world's population, 1.8 billion people, is between 10 and 24 years old. Almost 90 per cent of them live in developing countries. terre des hommes switzerland places marginalised young people at the centre of its work, as their promotion is of crucial importance for today's global challenges.

Group photo with young people. Partly in blue t-shirts.
Young people are a wonderful motor for development. Their will to change is great.

In the 48 least developed countries, children and young people are the majority. This is a great potential for these countries. However, it will only become a development opportunity if young people have education, freedom of choice and access to health. The right course must be set if their potential is to be exploited. This is because young people are exposed to great dangers, especially in our program countries. They are affected by particular health risks that can affect them for the rest of their lives, and climate change threatens their livelihoods.

Exposed to various dangers

Especially in the area of sexual and reproductive health and the rights of adolescent girls there is a great need for action in many countries (see right column). Young people are also particularly affected by unemployment. In all our programme countries, the high level of youth unemployment is a major challenge.

Youth Power as a motor for development

terre des hommes switzerland focuses on strengthening young people's abilities so that they can realize their potential as actors.*inside of change can unfold. A common thread running through the projects is that young people make their voices heard in local or national political processes. They are supported in actively standing up for their rights themselves. Through targeted support, youth initiatives and organizations often develop an impressive momentum of their own. Project experience shows: Sustainable commitment emerges when young people can define for themselves what the most pressing problems are for them and develop their own proposals for solutions.

Against discrimination and exclusion

In order to strengthen the position of young people, terre des hommes schweiz supports projects that change the bad image of young people in society. Young people from disadvantaged communities are often labelled as violent. This reinforces the vicious circle of violence. The spiral of social exclusion is broken when young people experience identity and belonging in youth groups. When young people become active together, they can change a lot. 

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