Young people from Afghanistan talk about their image of home in a group work.

Young migrants draw their picture of home

"Home is where I can live in peace with my family and friends." This was one young man's answer to the question what home is for him. This week, the unaccompanied minor asylum seekers of the Lilienberg Centre dealt with such and similar questions in various workshops.

What is home? What does it mean for young people to live alone in a foreign country far away from their families? From Monday to Thursday, more than 40 unaccompanied minor asylum seekers (Mineurs non accompagnés, MNA) gathered answers and insights to these questions at the MNA Centre Lilienberg. They were supported by Swiss young people from imagine, who were able to draw on their proven imagine-workshops.

Unaccompanied minors go public
The presentations on the young people's home countries, which were prepared in Lilienberg from 12 to 15 August, will be presented in various communities in the region during the autumn. In addition, the local population will have the opportunity to get to know the young people who live there and their living situation better on various occasions, including the open day of the MNA Centre Lilienberg on 19 October 2013.

Starting signal for the new MNA project
The first day of the workshop marked the start of a project by terre des hommes schweiz and the MNA Centre Lilienberg, which aims to draw attention to the living situation of MNAs. The project with the MNA Centre Lilienberg, which is run by the Asylum Organisation Zurich on behalf of the Canton of Zurich, offers the opportunity to promote understanding of the situation of MNAs among the Swiss population and to involve young people more in public life.

Awareness raising against discrimination and racism
Youth migration is one of the main topics of terre des hommes schweiz. terre des hommes schweiz promotes the understanding of social justice in Switzerland by informing about topics of development cooperation and by working together with young people to raise awareness against discrimination and racism.

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