
Projects in El Salvador

Projects in El Salvador

Over 10 years of civil war have left deep scars on the country. The consequences are still visible today. For many people, violence and unemployment are part of everyday life, and the gulf between rich and poor is very deep. Because of the traumatic experiences that people suffered during the war, psychological and social intervention is extremely important.

Economic empowerment and empowerment of young people in rural areas

El Salvador is characterized by poverty, violence and migration. A lack of economic prospects drives many young people to make the dangerous journey to the USA, where they hope for better working conditions or join criminal gangs. We offer young people a way out of poverty and lack of prospects by supporting them in setting up income-generating initiatives. They are encouraged to develop a business idea and check its feasibility and prospects of success. The young people also receive financial start-up assistance in the form of a small loan.


"Machismo pervades all of society"

Why is terre des hommes schweiz committed to the living conditions and rights of women in El Salvador? Sandra Ramirez, National Coordinator for El Salvador at terre des hommes switzerland, provides information.

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Basic information

Simplified map of El Salvador

Size: 21 041 km² (half of Switzerland)

Population: 7.3 million (0.8 times Switzerland)

Human Development Index: 0.680 (rank 117 of 185 countries)

Distribution of income in %: 72,6 (0 = equal distribution / 100% = one person has everything)

Share of population from 0 to 24 years: 48.9% (Switzerland: 26.5%)

Homicide rate: 41.2 per 100 000 inhabitants (Switzerland: 0.6)

Focus of workPeace culture, education and income

Program Coordination

Andreas Hugentobler
Program coordination El Salvador and thematic responsibility Sustainable livelihoods
061 338 91 49 | andreas.hugentobler(at)terredeshommes.ch
Andreas HugentoblerProgram coordination El Salvador and thematic responsibility Sustainable livelihoods

061 338 91 49 | andreas.hugentobler(at)terredeshommes.ch

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