
Projects in Nicaragua

Projects in Nicaragua

Nicaragua is one of the poorest countries in the world. Youth and child labour is very widespread, and where there is child labour, there is always exploitation. Young people working in rural areas also need special support.

Young people know their rights and build an existence in the countryside

Nicaragua is one of the poorest countries in the world. There is hardly any work and many struggle to survive on a daily basis. Violence against girls and women is also widespread. As a result, the number of early pregnancies is also increasing rapidly. terre des hommes switzerland raises awareness among young people on topics such as sexual health and rights as well as gender-based violence. We also support young adults in setting up agricultural initiatives so that they can improve their income situation.

Young people take a stand against violence with art

Violence is an everyday occurrence for many young people in Nicaragua. They experience violence in the family, in their neighbourhood and on the way to school. Together with our partner organisation, we are committed to offering young people affected by violence a life in safety. With the help of art as a form of therapy they get to know each other better and come to terms with their traumatic experiences. They also learn to express their concerns, needs and demands to society and the state. Since early pregnancies are very common in Nicaragua, special attention is paid to the prevention of sexual violence and sexual education for young people.  

Basic information

Simplified map of Nicaragua

Size: 129 494 km² (3.1 times Switzerland)

Population6.1 million (0.7 times Switzerland)

Human Development Index: 0,645 (rank 124 of 185 countries)

Distribution of income in %: 76,7 (0 = equal distribution / 100% = one person has everything)

Share of population from 0 to 24 years51.7% (Switzerland: 26.5%)

Homicide rate11.3 per 100 000 inhabitants (Switzerland: 0.6)

Unemployment rate: 24,4%

Focus of work: education and sustainable livelihoods, violence prevention

Program Coordination

Anette Homlicher
Program Coordination Nicaragua, Security
061 338 91 48 | anette.homlicher(at)terredeshommes.ch
Anette HomlicherProgram Coordination Nicaragua, Security

061 338 91 48 | anette.homlicher(at)terredeshommes.ch

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