
Sowing Peace in Colombia

Sowing Peace in Colombia

Peace as a matter of course?

Peace is not only the absence of war. Social conflicts do not disappear overnight by themselves. The peace work that has been carried out in Colombia for years continues. The Swiss peace promotion programme "Semillas des Esperanza" is doing valuable work in this respect.
An outer wall of a house with peace slogans.
Seeding peace in Colombia: Social conflicts do not disappear overnight. - © terre des hommes switzerland

Colombia is at a historical turning point. Despite the rejection at the ballot box of the peace agreement between the Colombian government and the FARC guerrillas, the basis for a lasting end to the civil war in Colombia still exists: The confidence built up over three years by the negotiating parties Peace a long process of reconciliation and a new social and political beginning. Major setbacks are foreseeable.

Conflicts are preprogrammed
A central point for peace is the solution of the land question. Conflicts are inevitable when it comes to implementing the right of displaced persons to return and establishing reparations. The Swiss peace-building programme "Semillas de Esperanza" (See Hope - see last paragraph) supports two Colombian organisations working in the Caribbean region, which has been particularly hard hit by the conflict. At the regional level, approaches to solutions are being developed for the concrete challenges of overcoming the social lines of conflict. It also creates a basis of trust that is essential for reconciliation.

Seeing peace is the motto
The Colemad organisations work for the rights of women, ethnic minorities and land rights of the population - all of them central building sites for sustainable peace and reparations. The partner organisation Sembrandopaz supports four village communities in their peace and reconciliation work and in promoting the return of displaced persons and the reconstruction of their community structures. It provides advice on land law issues and creates opportunities for dialogue in the communities. These measures defuse local conflicts and make a grassroots contribution to a promising peace process in Colombia. Seeding peace is her motto!

Broad-based programme
The Swiss peacebuilding programme for Colombia "Semillas de Esperanza" is supported by terre des hommes schweiz and other Swiss NGOs: Working Group Switzerland-Colombia, Caritas, COMUNDO, Swiss Catholic Lenten Fund, HEKS, Peace Brigades International, Peacewatch Switzerland, SWISSAID and Terre des Hommes Suisse.

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